Weck, Worscht un' Woi
Hearty and savory, that's a good way to describe Rhine-Hessian cuisine. This applies to both the hot dishes and simple snacks. "Weck, Worscht un' Woi" is more than just bread rolls, sausage and wine: it is the Rhine-Hessian way of life. And it is wonderfully suitable as provisions for your hiking backpack on the Hiwweltour Stadecker Warte .

A special "Weck" is, for example, the Wingertsknorzen, a rye roll whose gnarled appearance is reminiscent of a grapevine. It is traditionally sprinkled with caraway and salt and often prepared with bacon and onions. In the middle of the vineyard, among all the "real vines", it tastes especially good.

A snack is only complete with a "guden Worscht". It's not for nothing that the saying in Rheinhessen goes: "If the Worscht is twice as thick as the bread, the bread can be as thick as it wants." Although people in Rheinhessen also love the "bung cheese", a cream cheese with peppers, onions and spices that used to be shaped like the bung of a wine barrel and named after it. But sausage is at least as important. And you can buy it fresh in Stadecken-Elsheim, the starting and ending point of the Hiwweltour.
Fresh sausage around the clock
The Traditional butchery Harth has been in family hands since 1859 and is known far beyond the borders of Stadecken. Almost all products, including numerous regional salami and ham specialties, come from our own slaughtering and production - and you can taste it! Directly in front of the door you will find the "Harth-O-Mat", a sausage vending machine, which also supplies you with fresh products of the butcher's shop outside the opening hours.

Just one house away is the Butcher shop Hamm. Here, too, fresh regional sausages are waiting for you, which you can pack as provisions for the Hiwwelt tour.
Rent a Picnic
If you prefer not to pack anything yourself or if you do not have the right equipment at hand, you are at the Beck Winery at Hedesheimer Hof in the best of hands. The Beck family packs a picnic backpack that really leaves nothing to be desired. So you can concentrate on hiking without worrying about provisions, plates, cutlery or glasses. And it also tastes really good!
"Weck, Worscht un' Woi" at the Becks includes a delicious bread or baguette, fresh sausage from Metzgerei Hamm, hard and soft cheese, small tomatoes or radishes, salt and pepper, something sweet to finish and a bottle of mineral water. Of course, the contents of the backpack always change according to the season and availability.
What never changes, however, and is always guaranteed to be there, is a bottle of white wine from the winery's own vineyard. The formula for success of the wines of winemaker Michael Beck are classic grape varieties in the classic vineyard sites of the Selz Valley paired with strict quality management. He relies on hand harvesting and works entirely according to the motto "less is more". Quality that you can taste - especially during a rest on the Hiwwelt Tour with a view of the endless sea of vines.

The Hedesheimer Hof is located directly at the starting and end point of the Hiwweltour Stadecker Warte. So you can easily pick up your backpack at the beginning of the hike and just as easily return it there afterwards. So that everything can be prepared in time, please bring your picnic with you. register at least one day before until 12 noon .
Pleasure with a view
The wide range of fantastic resting places on the Hiwweltour Stadecker Warte is one of the biggest highlights of the Prädikatswanderweg. Immediately after the first climb, the rest area "Auf dem Ermel" awaits, then later the Wingertshaus Schindegaul. The long table of wine is perhaps the nicest place to unpack the hiking backpack and enjoy "Weck, Worscht un' Woi".

If you are hungry a little later, the beautiful vineyard pergola and the pavilion in the Wingert invite you to rest.

If you can't decide, it's best to take a short break everywhere. Every rest stop on the Hiwweltour bears the loving signature of the local winegrowers who designed and built them. Here you can then enjoy not only Rhine-Hessian specialties, but also always different views of the Rhine-Hessian hilly landscape. I say "Cheers!" and wish you bon appétit!