Four reasons for a visit to a Rheinhessen-AUSGEZEICHNET vinotheque

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But what distinguishes the Rheinhessen-AUSGEZEICHNET-Vinotheken in actually out? Below we have compiled four reasons for you why a visit there is really always worthwhile:

1. the personal contact with the winemaker/to the winemaker

Anyone who has ever been to a vinotheque in Rheinhessen knows it. The right atmosphere, the Architecture inside and out and the ambience of the interior make many vinotheques in Rheinhessen truly unique. But it is above all the winegrower and his or her family who really breathe life into a vinotheque with their name, their knowledge and their presence.

Timo Eppelmann from the Winery Eppelmann, Stadecken-Elsheim, in front of its panorama vinotheque

The personal conversation with the winemaker in a wine shop is therefore just as much a part of the individual wine-finding process as the actual tasting. You get all the information from the winemaker about the wine, the grape variety in question, its cultivation, its harvest and bottling, and of course the one or other anecdote along with it. The open and friendly nature of the people in Rheinhessen naturally contributes to the fact that one always feels welcome in a Vinothek here. It is not uncommon for wine lovers who have found their favorite wine in a vinotheque to remain loyal to it for years, and thus also to the producer.

Wasem Winery - Philipp Wasem

2. the individual selection of the favorite wine

You like a dry wine with little acidity? Or is a nice, sweet red wine your favorite? Do you think Riesling is a wine from the last century and would like to be proven wrong? Or are you always looking for the right wine for your palate and your wine cabinet? You will always get the best and largest selection in one of the many vinotheques in Rheinhessen. The access to the noble drop needs expertise and a special, personal feeling, which so only in a Vinothek meets the guest.

Vinotheque Winery Schlossgartenhof, Saulheim

Many a visitor has only discovered his love of wine through a visit to a vinotheque, because - unlike in the supermarket - you can gradually approach the best possible palate tickler at the winegrower. This way, you can be sure that only the best that a grape can become is poured into your glass. And if, contrary to expectations, you do not like a wine - no problem, because there are many more to choose from, so you do not have to buy a pig in a poke and find your personal favorite.

VinoPeth - Vinotheque at the Peth Winery
VinoPeth - Vinothek at the Peth Winery - wine tasting

3. special events around the wine

Many vinotheques in Rheinhessen invite you to special events all year round. events throughout the year. In addition to the normal opening hours of the special occasions such as wine and vintner festivals or culinary highlights. culinary highlights, you can enjoy the different wines in a special environment. enjoy.

In the Wine school of the Hemmes family winery wine shop in Bingen-Kempten, for example, you can experience school in a different way - without stress and the pressure of grades, because there are only liquid learning materials, which will be introduced to you in the context of a special wine tasting with stories and dishes.

Hemmes wine shop and wine school, Bingen-Kempten

But the range of events in the vinotheques goes much further. From "After-Work-Schoppen" to culinary references such as "Burger meets Wine" or "Wine meets Asparagus" to the obligatory vintage presentations, there is always something on offer for wine lovers in Rheinhessen. Here you will find an overview of the current events in the Rheinhessen-AUSGEZEICHNET-vinotheques .

4. not only wine, but also other local specialties

In addition to wine, the vinotheques in Rheinhessen often offer other specialties that are produced either directly by the vintner or other local producers and offered there. Thus, in addition to the wines on offer, one can also taste and buy many other products that revolve around the grape product. In addition to grape juice and sparkling wine, these include wine jelly or wine brandies, which are a wonderful and aromatic reuse of the natural raw materials from the pomace produced during wine production. These are joined by products made from regional fruit or vegetables. A pumpkin-apple chutney with a dash of Scheurebe is guaranteed to go well with your favorite cheese.

But also apart from the culinary delicacies, many vinotheques offer additional interesting things around wine. Whether glasses, accessories or decoration - in a vinotheque every visitor will find the right gift ideas for every occasion.

Oils, vinegars and chutneys in the wine shop in the Winery Strubel-Roos
Oils, grappa and brandies in the wine bar from the Winery Hermann J. Müller


As you can see, the Rheinhessen-AUSGEZEICHNET-Vinotheken a very special point of contact to introduce you in detail to the inimitable Rheinhessen lifestyle and the very special wines that are created here.

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