Carefree hiking: This belongs in your backpack for the Hiwweltouren in Rheinhessen

Table of contents

1. backpack: less is more

The backpack is the basis of your hiking equipment. It should be light, sit comfortably on your shoulders and have space for all important things. When filling it, the basic rule is: as much as necessary, as little as possible. After all, the backpack accompanies you through the hilly landscape of Rheinhessen, up the vineyards and back down again - and of course it's easier to hike with light luggage.

All nine Hiwwelt tours in Rheinhessen are day hikes, so the content is limited. But there are a few things that you should definitely pack in your hiking backpack.

2. hiking boots: safely over hill and dale

Well, hiking boots are of course not in the backpack, but are put on. But they are your most important companion, because good hiking boots protect and relieve the foot and improve the surefootedness. You can put them to good use, because on the Hiwwelt tours you will cover many meters in altitude and hike in a varied way across meadows and fields, through vineyards and forest sections.

All hiking trails on the Hiwwelt tours are close to nature. That means they are not or only very rarely asphalted - and that's exactly why they are so beautiful. With the right shoes, natural trails are no problem: the right fit, non-slip tread and low weight ensure all-day hiking pleasure.

If the shoe does pinch, it makes sense to have a small first aid kit with blister plasters handy. You can also pack normal plasters and some disinfectant - better safe than sorry!

3. equipment: prepared for all weathers

All Rhine-Hessian Hiwwelt tours are wonderful day hikes. This has the great advantage that you can adjust to the current weather in advance of the hike. A look out of the window and/or at the weather forecast gives quite reliable information whether you should rather pack sunscreen and sun hat or rather wind and rain jacket.

The good news: Rheinhessen enjoys a particularly mild and dry climate all year round. In addition, with up to 1,600 hours of sunshine, the region is one of the sunniest in Central Europe. So chances are you can safely leave your raincoats at home. But be sure to pack enough sunscreen, because the vineyards of Rheinhessen are spoiled with a lot of UV radiation. This is one of the reasons why the wines taste so good.

4. provisions: energy and pleasure

Speaking of wine: A typical Rhine-Hessian meal is of course part of an all-around successful Hiwweltour hike. Snack with "Weck, Worscht and Woi, no question! But it is important to pay attention to a balanced energy supply throughout the entire route.

Your performance while hiking is increased by the right nutrition. It is best to eat enough carbohydrates as an energy supplier before the hike. During the hike you are always on the move and continuously consume energy. Small muesli or fitness bars are a good way to continuously take in new energy. In any case, always remember to pack a garbage bag to collect your empty packaging and take it back with you. Nature will thank you for it!

The physical activity will cause you to sweat. Regular and sufficient fluid intake during the Hiwweltour is therefore at least as important as eating. And as good as Rhine-Hessian wine tastes, it must not replace water! Alcoholic beverages deprive the body of additional water and energy. So if you take a bottle of wine with you on your hike (and that's a great idea), enjoy it as a reward towards the end of the Hiwweltour. Then it tastes much better anyway!

5. smartphone: digital hiking companion

All Hiwwelt tours in Rheinhessen are signposted without gaps and in accordance with nature. This allows easy and clear orientation in the vineyards, in the forest and in open meadows and fields. So you don't really need a hiking map or additional aids to find your way on the Prädikat circular hiking trails.

But since you surely stow your smartphone in your backpack anyway, you can get alle route information for your respective Hiwweltour download. In the free Rhineland-Palatinate app for Android and iOS all Hiwwelt tours are also stored. So you have the tour description with exact route and elevation profile as well as topographic maps and interesting additional information always at hand and can orientate yourself additionally on the way.

Great, the backpack is packed, now the anticipation can begin! To get you in the mood for your Hiwweltour hike, we tell you here already once five reasons why hiking in Rheinhessen is especially good for your body and mind.

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I write as an external author for the Rheinhessen blog. For this I have put on my hiking boots, packed the camera and tracked down great impressions and stories of the region on the new Hiwweltouren, which I like to share with you.

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