Feieroomend in Eckelsheim: A guest of the Vino Generation

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Location with wow effect

Already at my arrival in Eckelsheim I was enthusiastic about the location. Above the road, perched on a hill, were the ruins of the Bell church. The late Gothic church was probably built in 1519 - at least that's what the inscription date on the west portal says.

The Beller church in the sunset and cozy celebration mood around it
Feieroomend at the Beller Church in Eckelsheim (c) Isabelle Willersinn

It was a holiday, for the Vino Generation this means that instead of the classical background music, live music was exceptionally announced. So the singing of the live music already sounded in my ears, as I went up the stairs to the up the hill. That made even more desire to spend in royal weather to spend a comfortable Feieroomend. And I must say, my initial hope for a nice evening was not disappointed.

The Vino Generation is an association of 28 young winemakers of the Municipality of Wöllstein. From the end of May to mid-July, they have been inviting people to the Feieroomend every Thursday for about five years. This takes place every week in a different village of the municipality. The young winemakers always choose a place that is characteristic of the village. In Eckelsheim it is the Beller church, in Wendelsheim at the castle, in Gumbsheim at the town hall and so on.

"Young, crisp and vibrant".

The flag of the Vino Generation, in the background the Beller church in Eckelsheim
The Beller church in the evening sun (c) Isabelle Willersinn

Five wineries - mainly the local ones - offer their wines on tap at a celebration oomend. So I found a well-mixed menu of Rheinhessen wines at the counter. There is something for everyone, I thought. With me it was allowed that evening a dry Riesling be. With the glass in my hand, I then mingled with the people. The mood was good, everyone was relaxed and in a good mood. I was pleased to see so many familiar faces. The first thing I met was the wine festival jury, because the Feieroomend belongs to the "Rhinehesse EXCELLENT" wine festivals. Particularly beautiful and stylish wine festivals are honored in the process, and an award naturally includes a jury. "Young, crisp and lively," is how jury member Patricia Palums describes the Feieroomend. "It's madness how the Feieroomend has grown," explained to me later the Rheinhessen Wine Princess Rebecca Lamb, who tells me that she has been a regular visitor to the Feieroomende since the beginning. In the beginning there were about 100 to 200 visitors, I later learn from Alexander Vollmer, a member of the Vino Generation, today there are considerably more.

Enjoy Rheinhessen

A good glass of wine and lots of nice conversation naturally also includes a bite to eat. So I made my way to the food stand. Who likes it classically, could eat there simply a Bratwurst or Currywurst with roll or - typically Rhinehessian - a Bung cheese order. I was a little more experimental that evening and ordered a "Hotdog Special" or - as I would say - Rheinhessian interpreted in a cheese and pretzel stick with coleslaw, fried onions and green onions. Something different and really tasty! By the way, the caterer is also based in the association community. There was plenty of seating for the meal. I used the moment to have a look at the ruins of the church from the inside and to let the evening come to an end. But of course not without already once the dates for the next celebration omen because there's still a lot to experience here every Thursday until July!

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I grew up in a family winery in the middle of Rheinhessen. Wine became my vocation. During my studies in viticulture/oenology and wine business, as well as during my year as wine queen of Rheinhessen, I fell more and more in love with our region. Today I am an editor for Das Deutsche Weinmagazin, a trade magazine for winemakers.

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