Cycling in autumnal Rheinhessen - colorful splendor and gourmet festivals

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Cycling in the fall: the best tours in Rheinhessen

Cycling in autumn in Rheinhessen means one thing above all: a colorful spectacle on the vineyards, golden sunsets and a fresh breeze blowing across the Rhine. This is perhaps the most magical time of year for a cycle tour in Rheinhessen. In this blog post, I'll tell you which routes are particularly worthwhile in the fall.

Wine festivals in abundance

With the sun-drenched grapes freshly picked and the harvest complete, people from Alzey to Worms, from Bingen to Oppenheim meet up to celebrate the fruits of their labor and enjoy the best wines from the local vineyards. The best way to experience the exuberant atmosphere and sample the regional delicacies is definitely a bike tour. From the Alzey Winegrowers' Festival (September 20-24) to the Red Wine Festival in Ingelheim (September 28-October 6) and the Young Wine Festival in Gau-Algesheim (October 6-9), you can experience the best of the region by cycling along the Rhine Cycle Path or the Selz Valley Cycle Route in the autumn, the sociability with a different local color almost every week. Incidentally, the people of Bingen celebrate their wine festival between the Kulturufer and Klopp Castle for a whole eleven days. A record! This makes the Bingen Wine Festival the longest wine festival in Rheinhessen, on the Rhine and perhaps even in the whole of Germany? You can find an overview of the many wine events at this time here.

Market hustle and bustle and harvest stands along the cycle path

For those who prefer fruit or long for a leisurely bike ride to relax, the Rhine-Hessian farm stores provide excellent supplies during the harvest season. The self-service stalls along the way are full to bursting with apples, pears and other treasures. Especially on the Fruit route In autumn, Rhine-Hessian producers tempt hungry cyclists with a rich selection of colorful fruit and vegetables as well as home-made delicacies - the locations are marked directly in the tour data. Autumn is also a great time to visit the farmers' markets, for example along the Amiche cycle path. The country market in Dexheim in September is a popular insider tip, where the regional variety is offered for sale, from cheese to art, fruit to Federweißer.

Cycling in the fall in Rheinhessen - stalls Elftausend Mägde Mühle
Autumnal farm store on the Selztal cycle path

Soak up the sun, feast & taste the new harvest

The shorter the days, the more precious the last strong rays of sunshine that pamper the face with warmth. On a bike tour, you can really soak up some vitamin D, because from late fall to spring, the sun's rays are too weak to produce vitamin D in our latitudes. You are always on the sunny side of the road, for example on the Tour de Worms. This tour around the Nibelungen city is particularly worthwhile at the beginning of September, when the Fleckenmauer festival in Flörsheim-Dalsheim takes place. This is when the open farms invite you to experience a variety of medieval art and culture and, of course, a wide range of delicacies. The wineries and fruit farms around Monsheim also open their doors to cyclists for the Sattelfest in the Zellertal and guarantee an enjoyable tour.

Especially in the fall, the Rhine Terraces Route with its charming wine villages lined up like a string of pearls. One of the most popular wine events on the Rheinterrasse is the Gourmet hike through the vineyards of Oppenheim. It's worth leaving your bike here and slowing down to indulge in Federweißer and tarte flambée. The same also applies to the Wine tasting on the wine trail in Bodenheim: A unique opportunity to study and taste the wines directly on the vine.
For art and culture lovers, we recommend a bike tour to the Oppenheim St. Catherine's Market In mid-October, where unique handicrafts are offered for sale in a centuries-old tradition. Time-honored vaults are also available for Kellerweg festival in Guntersblum, when the winegrowers invite you into their cellars for culinary experiences.

Accommodation for cyclists in the vineyard

After feasting and cycling, you can retreat in comfort and still be close to nature - this is what many wineries offer. Pitches for campers on. Whether in Gau-Algesheim or Monsheim, you will find a secluded spot to watch the hustle and bustle in the vineyards until the sun disappears behind the horizon in a firework display of colors. The end of an eventful season may be approaching, but cycling through the hills and vineyards of Rheinhessen in the fall reveals the Land of 1000 Hiwwel from its most magical side.

If you want to experience autumn in Rheinhessen by bike for yourself, then plan your tour now!
On our topic page for the Cycling there are even more fall tips - the exact tour tips for cycling and Hiking, Wine festivals, Fall markets and the perfect Accommodation for your colorful time-out.

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Where you can be on two wheels is of particular interest to me. But I also like to be active in other ways. The main thing is to get out into nature!

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