Rheinhessen summit happiness - 5 reasons for the Hiwweltour Eichelberg

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Join me today on the "Roof of Rheinhessen" and explore wild and romantic nature, scrambling paths on the Eichelberg and enjoy the sensational views of Rheinhessen Switzerland and the Northern Palatinate with me. This delightful mix takes us along enchanted meadow and forest paths, through cultivated landscapes with vines and past old quarries.

The information board gives a good overview
The information board gives a good overview

Summit happiness - certainly a feeling that has a different meaning for every hiker. Climbing a three-thousand-metre peak is not directly comparable with a tour through a sea of vines and an oak forest. But happiness can be found everywhere; and happiness means something different to everyone. Come with me on a search for moments of happiness and enjoyment on the Hiwweltour Eichelbergthat we will remember fondly in everyday life.

I start on the Hikers' parking lot between Frei-Laubersheim and Bamberg. The circular route is usually followed in the direction of the old station building; I will change direction and turn off directly to enjoy the view of the old quarry and New Bamberg in the background. The different types of rock and the mystical turquoise lake in the depths cast a spell over me. But also the vastness that opens up to me in the panoramic view, the comfortably grazing horse in the pasture and the yellow-green patterned landscape give me my first moments of pleasure. My hiking day couldn't start any better! The view of the Ruins of the hilltop castle in Neu-Bamberg, with adjoining Church of St. Dionysius and the cozy little village, draw the eye again and again on the first stretch of the trail. The hiking trail runs leisurely through meadows, vineyards and woodland.

The quarry and Neu Bamberg in the background
The quarry and Neu Bamberg in the background

Immerse yourself in nature - far-reaching views from the wine table

A pleasure tour also includes a break, and what better place to take a break than at the Table of wine! The magnificent panoramic view of the opposite hill gives you a clear view of the Hiwweltour Heideblickwhich differ from New Bamberg about the Ajax Tower The Ajax Tower is a reminder of an unhappy love story from long ago. The Ajax Tower is reminiscent of an unhappy love story from long ago and is a popular photo motif for hikers.

Panoramic views in all directions - certainly a reason to explore this tour! The benches along the route invite you to let your mind wander into the distance or immerse yourself in the sounds of nature.

But I'm not alone, apart from my husband, the first butterflies are buzzing excitedly around me and the twittering of birds triggers feelings of happiness in bird enthusiasts. Blackcaps, whitethroats, chaffinches, yellowhammers, nightingales and chiffchaffs take turns to delight us with their songs. A concert of the highest quality to find inner peace, even though there is excited chirping everywhere.

Spring bloomers on the Hiwweltour
Spring bloomers on the Hiwweltour

The longer you take in the silence of nature, listen to it, sit or stand still, the more you become part of it. Perhaps an aurora butterfly settles on a flower close to me, or a wall lizard basks in the first rays of sunshine on a warm stone and I can spot it. We don't notice the small and big wonders of nature as we rush past to achieve our best time.

The purple orchid
The purple orchid
An aurora butterfly on the chickweed
An aurora butterfly on the chickweed

Nature's treasure trove has a lot in store for us on this tour, we just have to discover it. My tip: always allow a little more time than indicated so that you can enjoy the moment at your own pace.

Mindful along the way - pure nature and culture

Now we pass through the bright yellow rapeseed field and take a small detour to reach the "church without a village" - the Sarlesheim church. The associated village no longer exists. Today, it is home to the Neu-Bamberg Protestant church.

The Salesheim church
The Salesheim church

Back on the route, we pass a beehive, buzzing from every corner. The industrious nectar collectors are feasting on the rich rapeseed harvest.

On Hornberg the path winds its way into the Appelbach valley downhill, halfway up, we linger at the Wingertshaus at the Berggrubeand take a leisurely break in the shade. At the edge of the path, the purple orchid, a native species of orchid, is in full bloom, competing with the bright yellow gorse. As a plant lover, this makes my heart beat faster - another moment of happiness! I come across another orchid species on the way: the Bocks's strap-tongue feels increasingly at home on warm, sunny slopes in Rheinhessen. Its inflorescence is already clearly visible and it will be in full bloom at the end of May with its delicate purple flowers.

The Wingertshaus at the Berggrube
The Wingertshaus at the Berggrube
Sunny broom
Sunny broom

The nature trail meanders slowly uphill again, with another view of Iben farmfrom the center of which a Templar Chapel stands out. All that remains is the castle chapel, which was once the center of a moated castle at the time of the Crusaders. If you take a worthwhile detour there at the end of the hike, you will find detailed information on the information board in front of the courtyard. The small chapel is open to visitors and can be used for a quiet break. There are several cultural monuments to discover on the tour.

The longed-for summit happiness

Further along the tour, meadow and forest landscapes alternate with the Rhine-Hessian sea of vines and finally the forest-covered namesake and highlight of the tour is in sight.

The task now is to keep the slowly rising Eichelberg to climb. First along the edge of the forest, with a gigantic view over Fürfeld and the adjacent meadows, then we emerge at a Rest area into the cooling forest. The scent of the gnarled pines in your nose, the root path slowly winding upwards and the rays of light falling cheekily through the pine and oak forest give you a sense of the promised summit happiness. We reach the rocky Rabenkanzel, where a rest with a panoramic view through the canopy rewards the ascent. We continue on a pleasure trail through the forest. In keeping with the TikTok trend of "soft hiking", I enjoy the tour with all my senses. Hiking on the soft forest floor, the sun's rays and the scent of pine are definitely my personal summit happiness.

A path through the oak forest
A path through the oak forest

Our mountain tour is finally rewarded at the Viewpoint Nordpfalzblick. Pure enjoyment, as hikers already knew many years ago, who expressed their enthusiasm here on a sign. The far-reaching view towards the Northern Palatinate and the yellow-green patchwork of rape and fields is balm for the connoisseur's eye. Let's take the expanse with us into our everyday lives ...

Leisurely along the railroad line to the "Alter Steinbruch" viewpoint

Now it's downhill in serpentines through the gnarled oaks. In damp weather, walking poles are not a luxury on this section and are easy on the ageing knees ;-).

At Ellerbach valley Once we arrive, we follow the course of the former railroad line, which was once - as the locals called it - the Bawettche, from Sprendlingen to Fürfeld. It was used to develop the quarries and was an important means of transportation for agricultural products, bricks and also for passengers.

Slow coasting is now the order of the day, so the rest stop at the Frei-Laubersheim Table of Wine "Iber Weg" just right. The picture frame absolutely has to be used for a souvenir photo. I want to save as many moments of pleasure as possible for my everyday life.

The Iber Weg rest area near Frei-Laubersheim with the wine table
The Iber Weg rest area near Frei-Laubersheim with the wine table

Freshly fortified, we continue on the last stage: we leave the railroad line via a small wooden bridge and enter the forest again. After a short ascent, a short detour to the Old quarry" viewpoint highly recommended. The panoramic view of the disused quartzite porphyry quarries, where the little quakers in the lake have now taken over, is better than any photo wallpaper. A frog concert that is second to none.

View from the "Alter Steinbruch" viewpoint
View from the "Alter Steinbruch" viewpoint

Back in the forest, we enjoy the last shady section until the path leads us to the Forest stage leads. The large meadow is used for all kinds of festivals and theater performances. Continuing along the old railroad embankment, the home stretch begins past the old station building and back to the hiking parking lot.  

The forest stage
The forest stage

A panoramic and varied circular tour, on which we have covered a total of 272 meters in altitude over approx. 11.2 km. We recommend sturdy footwear, clothing suitable for the weather and a backpack.

Conclusion - my 5 reasons for the Hiwweltour Eichelberg are...

  • the cultural monuments along the way
  • the diverse flora and fauna
  • the sweeping views of the Rheinhessen hills and beyond
  • the different rest options
  • the geological insights

An eventful day draws to a close and at the blue hour I marvel at the half-timbered idyll, the town's landmark - the Kandeltor - and the castle ruins in New Bamberg.

We can enjoy a culinary break in Neu-Bamberg in the Junk Mill or in the Appelbach Local end the day.

Author's insider tip: In the farm store, which is open 24/7 Goldkauterhof In Fürfeld, a delicious ice cream from the Birkenfeld ice cream parlor awaits us in the self-service vending machine, naturally also for our four-legged friends: "Dog Gelato" is the perfect reward after a long day of hiking.

Goldkauter Hof - Farm store - 24/7 vending machines for regional products - Ice cream workshop - Dog Gelato

I hope that all hiking enthusiasts will experience their own personal moment of happiness when hiking the Premium hiking trail Hiwweltour Eichelberg and be able to call them up again and again for all the challenges of everyday life!

6 Responses

  1. Hello Katja,
    Thank you very much for your once again successful article, which not only makes you curious to tackle this Hiwwel tour, but also invites you to consciously walk it with plenty of time and open eyes, and to notice the many small moments of happiness along the way.
    Many thanks for that!

    1. Hello Rüdi, the tour invites you to slow down in the diverse nature! Have fun hiking 😉

  2. Dear Katja, thank you very much for your great recommendation. We walked the tour with the whole family and it was a wonderful excursion. Varied with beautiful viewpoints and a very well signposted route. The final stop at the Junkersmühle was a great way to round off the day. We will certainly hike more Hiwwelt tours.

    1. Dear Nicole!
      Great that you enjoyed the tour. Next time the weather will definitely be even sunnier 🙂
      Have fun hiking the Hiwwel!

  3. We walked the Eichelberg Hiwwel tour today - the views and surroundings were a dream, but the path was a disaster.
    We are very good hikers and struggled with the paths. Some of the paths were impassable: high grass, bramble hedges - thorny branches protrude far into the path and the path up to the Wingertshaus at the Burggrube was too muddy and slippery (on this steep hill).
    Our conclusion: the paths should be checked more often and, above all, mowed and the bushes trimmed werden‼️

    1. Dear Angelika, thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, the weather over the past few days has put us under a lot of pressure. All the greenery is growing rapidly and causing problems here and there along the hiking trails. We are sorry about that, but the hedge trimmers of our trail sponsors are already running hot and we hope that we will soon be able to enjoy hiking again.
      Many thanks for the constructive feedback. Happy hiking...

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Always living in Rheinhessen, I still do not know all the corners of my beloved home. I am happy if you accompany me in the future with my new discoveries.

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