Three vinotheques in Rheinhessen with special events

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There is always something going on in Rheinhessen! Wine tasting, farm festival, wine festival, cellar tour, wine bar - the choice is large and thus there is also something for every taste. Three special events in three Rheinhessen-AUSGEZEICHNET-vinotheques take you deep into the cellar and high into the vineyards. They let you celebrate under the nut tree and press the school desk. We wish you lots of fun!

Wine tasting with cellar tour at the Espenhof Winery in Flonheim

At Espenhof Winery in the historical wine village Flonheim a commented wine tasting with subsequent cellar tour takes place every Saturday. A good-humored Nico Espenschied is waiting in front of the AUSGEZEICHNET vinotheque to warmly welcome house guests and visitors.

We will taste Pinot Gris, Riesling and Chardonnay, each according to their ascending quality classification from from estate wine to local wine to site wine. This allows us to taste the subtle differences and compare the wines wonderfully with each other.

In the meantime, Nico Espenschied tells us interesting anecdotes anecdotes from the winemaker's life and thus introduces us to different grape varieties, special features of a vintage or general challenges of viticulture. viticulture. Climate change, for example, is also a concern for Germany's largest winegrowing region in Germany. It sometimes transforms traditionally good vineyards into and vice versa, turning everything upside down.

From the vinotheque a door leads directly into the cellar of the Espenhof. We recognize the typical Flonheim Flonheim, which is built into the old walls. The temperature here is noticeably cooler, a welcome cooling on a warm day like today. Nico Espenschied takes us on a tour of the large rooms and sheds light on a variety of topics relating to around the cellar economy. We learn how wine is made from grape must and how to how to care for both the old wooden barrels and the modern stainless steel tanks and with which philosophy the family produces its wine. Exciting insights!

The wine tasting followed by a tour of the cellar takes place every Saturday at 16:30. To Registration is requested.

Court festival at the winery Burghof Oswald in Guntersblum

Once a year the Winery Burghof Oswald in the lively wine village Guntersblum to the farm festival. Against the beautiful backdrop of an old Franconian farmstead with a distinctive tower and a 60-year-old walnut tree, there will be three days of eating, drinking, dancing and laughing. Just as it should be for a typical Rhine-Hessian farm festival!

We sit down with delicious bung cheese and a cool glass of white wine under the shady tree and watch the bustling the hustle and bustle. Guests from near and far are engrossed in conversation, families meet for a meal, wines are tasted in the AUSGEZEICHNET wine cellar in front of the live music stage the first couples are dancing. The mood is exuberant through and through.

Winemaker Fred Oswald also gives us a tour of the cellars his great-grandfather built under the farm after he had finished the family's cellars on the Guntersblum cellar path dissolved. Incidentally, it was he who built the distinctive castle tower on top of the cellar in order to generate energy for water pumping and storage with a wind turbine. Surprisingly, the castle courtyard has nothing to do with a castle. Nevertheless, the story is exciting.

Then the vineyards call! By covered wagon, we first drive a little way through Guntersblum and then into the countryside. It jolts quite a bit, but our driver, himself a former vintner and friend of the Oswald family, guides us safely through the vines. We stop at the lovingly designed vineyard cottage "Leckbarthaisje", whose name derives from a former site. By the way, a "Leckbart" is a gourmet. We also enjoy a glass of wine in the middle of the vineyard and enjoy the beautiful view of the Frankfurt skyline and the Odenwald forest on the horizon.

The Next yard party will take place from 03 to 05 July 2020.

Wine school at the Hemmes winery in Bingen

Regardless of whether we used to like going to school or not so much - we all look forward to the wine school in equal measure! In the old village school in Bingen-Kempten is the AUSGEZEICHNET-Vinothek of the Hemmes Winery. Winemaker Frank Hemmes opens the doors of the beautiful art nouveau building from 1908 in proper style with tailcoat, top hat and school cane. He rings the old school bell and leads us into the schoolroom, where lovingly curated objects such as leather school bags and small writing boards remind us of the building's historical background.

The first school assignment is already prepared. Ten black glasses contain ten liquids with distinctive smells, many of them with typical wine aromas. Vanilla or vanilla or redcurrant is proving to be more difficult than expected, but it is than expected, but it is a lot of fun. With this exercise, Frank Hemmes wants to senses, because all five senses are important in wine tasting - including the sense of touch, in case one even the sense of touch, in case you look a little too deeply into the glass.

Now liquid learning aids are are handed out. Frank Hemmes shares his knowledge in a variety of subjects - and always makes always makes exciting connections to the wines we are tasting. In the case of his "Riesling '66, it's the subject of history: In 1966, Frank Sinatra sang "Strangers in the night," the infamous Wembely Gate fell (or didn't fall), the Rochusberg in Rochusberg in Bingen, Riesling was planted and Frank Hemmes was born. The little snack served with the Riesling is just one of many wonderful details of this details of this wine school, where the lessons are not at all "dry"! "dry" at all!

The wine school at the Hemmes Winery can be booked for groups. Inquiries are possible from 20 people.

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