Domhof Winery in Guntersblum
Our first stop is the Domhof Winerybecause we have a mission! We must uncover the secret of the cellar master, steal his newly created drop, which is well hidden in the depths of the barrel cellar - and we have only 60 minutes to do it. At least that's what the experience is all about "GRAPE ESCAPE"This is an Escape Room that the Baumann family has set up in their red wine cellar. The bottle that we have successfully stolen, we may taste afterwards.

Meanwhile, winemaker Alexander Baumann tells us about the exciting history of his winery. Not only the name Domhof itself, but also the Petrus coat of arms suggest heavenly connections. In fact, the farm belonged to the cathedral chapter of Worms for many years. After all churches in the national territory were expropriated under Napoleon, Baumann's great-great-grandfather acquired the Domhof in 1874, and it has been in the family ever since.
But the walls of the winery bear witness not only to the Christian past. Alexander Baumann leads us into his wine press house, the former synagogue of Guntersblum. Nowadays, only the women's gallery, the entrance with inscription, the leather-padded door and the Torah shrine remain. After all, the National Socialists wanted to burn down the synagogue on Reichspogromnacht. However, this was prevented by Baumann's great-grandfather's courageous intervention.

Afterwards, we linger in the idyllic wine aroma garden. This gem not only has an incredibly calming effect, it also makes a real contribution to wine sensory perception, because here you can sniff the typical aromas of different types of wine. Lemon balm, peach and orange thyme are planted as representatives of Riesling, for example; woodruff, gooseberry and pear make Silvaner tangible.

Tip: You are on the RheinTerrassenWeg for several days, but don't want to carry heavy backpacks? If you stay at the modern "Schlafgut Domhof", your luggage will be easily transported to the next stop. So you can enjoy the hike through Rheinhessen effortlessly!

Burghof Oswald in Guntersblum
We hear the Oswald castle yard even before we see him. Here today is celebrated court party with music, dance and of course wine. The old Franconian farmstead with its distinctive tower and the 60-year-old walnut tree in the courtyard forms the perfect backdrop for an exuberant celebration.

There's a lot going on between the bar and the dance floor. Nevertheless, winemaker Fred Oswald takes plenty of time for his guests. They come from Rheinhessen, but also from far away - from Flensburg, for example, or from Allgäu. He tells us that as early as the 19th century, his family's wine was shipped to connoisseurs from all over Germany, back then still in wooden crates lined with straw.
We suspect a long and ancient tradition behind the name Burghof - if only because of the imposing fortified tower above our heads. Fred Oswald has to smile, because the tower is almost the newest building on the farm. His great-grandfather broke up the family's cellars on the Guntersblumer Kellerweg, rebuilt them under our feet, and erected the tower on top of them to generate energy for pumping water and storing supplies with wind turbines. Granted, this has nothing to do with knights, but this story is at least as impressive!

We are allowed to take a look into said basement. Everything is there, from the latest cellar technology to classic oak barrels. "By the way, the barrels are at their best when there is wine in them - just like us humans," jokes Fred Oswald. We don't need to be told twice! Back under the walnut tree, we toasted the enterprising great-grandfather and the beautiful farm festival with Burgundy and Silvaner, the house specialties!
Tip: The courtyard festival at Burghof Oswald takes place only once a year, but there is always something going on in Guntersblum. The "vin-novative vintners" have joined forces to offer you a colorful program of courtyard festivals, cultural and culinary events all year round. No matter on which weekend you walk along the RheinTerrassenWeg, you will not be faced with closed doors in Guntersblum.
Restaurant and country hotel Weingold in Guntersblum
We end the evening in the restaurant and country hotel Weingold. The rooms of the Weingold have already housed a restaurant for 400 years. The oldest part of the building was built in 1660. Johann Philipp Kreißler - ancestor of the founder of the Chrysler automobile company - was also born here in 1672. Since 2021, the historic ensemble of buildings has belonged to the Domhof Winery, which treats its guests here to delicacies from regional and international cuisine.

In the restaurant and hotel area we meet a successful mixture of tradition and modernity.