It's Wednesday morning at 4:45 a.m. when the alarm on the smartphone wakes me up. The night before, I already got my running gear ready. This time, however, I don't just want to jog, but enjoy the sunrise with coffee. So the running backpack (with half-filled hydration bladder in the back compartment), a thermos cup and even binoculars are ready. With hot water from the kettle I preheat the thermos mug, then I turn on the filter coffee machine. Then off to the bathroom. Brush my teeth, do a little laundry. Put on running clothes. I don't feel like shaving. Fill running backpack with coffee mug and binoculars, put them on my back. Running shoes on and out of the house.

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It is 5:15 am. The sky already shows the blue that will accompany me on my run after sunrise. In the east out of Selzen, then left towards the north, over the Rheinhessenstraße and at some point into the vineyards, past a Wingertshäuschen near Mommenheim and up I gasp to the Wingertshäuschen on the Winkel.
Wingertshäuschen on the angle
I'm early. In the east the sky is still glowing orange, in the west over the Selz Valley the day is dawning. Put down my backpack at the Wanderfreunde bench, get out my thermos mug and binoculars. Enjoy the silence and occasionally let your eyes wander with the binoculars, occasionally sip a sip of coffee. In the east, the glow changes to red. A tiny cloud is already glittering in the direct sunlight.
Then, at 5:59 a.m., the sun's disk breaks through the horizon, piece by piece. Blinded by the Light. In an orange twilight, the silhouette of the Frankfurt skyline breaks through the horizon. Enjoy, drink coffee and explore the area with binoculars.
Chapel in the Zornheim vineyards
At 6:15 I continue my run. In the mild sunlight and blue sky I run on the height on the Hiwweltour Zornheimer Mountain further to the chapel in the Zornheim vineyards. The first sunflowers have already raised their heads and turned toward the sun. A bumblebee, still a bit stiff, is clambering around on one.
Wine Pavilion Zornheim and Most Beautiful Wine View 2020 Rheinhessen
Around 6:25 a.m. I reach the wine pavilion and the Most Beautiful Wine View 2020 Rheinhessen. The sun is still low and spreads an orange light. The feel-good bench beckons. I can't help it, it's my nature: the bench and the rest of the coffee are mine. A lonely tractor stands forlornly in the shade. I grab him and put him on a stone so he can feel the sun.
To the Wingertshäuschen at the Hohberg
Quite a long time I dawdle around here with relish. In the east the view reaches to Frankfurt, over the Selztal away I see the about 30 km distant Donnersberg. A morning walker strides briskly past me on the farm road, with a smile we greet each other. Finally I set off again. I wonder if I will catch up with the walker. With the sun behind me, I walk to the west, past a Wingertshäuschen. Shortly before the Wingertshäuschen on the Hohberg, I finally overtake the fast pedestrian.
Down into the Selz Valley
I tie my shoelaces, which have become loose, then trot through the vineyards down into the valley. At some point, I pass another Wingertshäuschen. Then I am almost down, come at the Paulinenhof past. Back to the east, a last view across a sunflower field to the Selzer Berg.
Happy and satisfied, I run home through Selzen. Almost two and a half hours after my start, I'm back at the apartment. My first stop is the coffee machine.