Golden October in Rheinhessen - Hiking on the RheinTerrassenWeg

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The RheinTerrassenWeg - Especially beautiful in autumn

The RhineTerraceWalk meanders over 75 kilometers on a total of 6 stages through the wine cultural landscape of Rheinhessen. Wine and culture are the focus of this hike between the towns of Mainz and Worms at the top of the list. Along the way, a number of picturesque wine villages await you, which have a unique charm during the autumn grape harvest. And thanks to the excellent rail connections, with 12 stations along the trail, the RheinTerrassenWeg is equally suitable for a long-distance hike or a day trip on individual stages.

Hiking in a blaze of color on the RhineTerraceWeg
The vineyards shine in the most beautiful colors on the RheinTerrassenWeg in autumn

Comfortable and without major climbs, it goes from wine village to wine village on mostly paved paths. Vineyards and the open expanse dominate the RheinTerrassenWeg and allow again and again for wonderful distant views. Cultural sights and natural gems provide variety and new impressions. In autumn, a unique spectacle awaits you when Rheinhessen, the land of a thousand hills, shines in its most beautiful colors.

View of the Red Slope from the RhineTerraceWalk
View of the Rhine and the Red Slope from the RhineTerraceWalk

Pleasure hiking like from the textbook

The RheinTerrassenWeg is particularly suitable for pleasure hikers who like to focus on culture, wine and culinary delights. The stages are not too long, the altitude difference is low and the next refreshment stop is always just a stone's throw away.

MY TIP: By the way, the most authentic way to enjoy local wines and regional delicacies is in estate taverns and Wine taverns in the wineries themselves. Rheinhessen specialties, such as Bung Cheese, Handkäs and Winzersteak, are the ideal companion for the excellent wines of the region.

Enjoyment on the RheinTerrassenWeg
Straußwirtschaften and Gutsschänken invite you to enjoy the Rhine Terraces Trail

The highlights of the RheinTerrassenWeg

The highlights of the RheinTerrassenWeg are distributed along the entire hiking trail. You should definitely plan a detour to Oppenheim. The underground cellar labyrinth and St. Catherine's Church you must not miss here.

View of St. Catherine's Church from the Rhine Terraces Path
View of St. Catherine's Church from the RhineTerraceWalk

Near Nierstein the path touches the Red slope, one of the most famous vineyards in Germany, with spectacular views of the Rhine.

View from the Red Slope on the RhineTerraceWalk
Autumn view from the Red Slope on the RhineTerraceWalk

In the south, the deeply incised Hollow paths near Mettenheim and Alsheim. A fascinating community of animals and plants between meter-high loess walls.

Hollow paths along the RhineTerraceWalk
Primitive sunken paths characterize the RheinTerrassenWeg near Alsheim and Mettenheim

Culture meets lifestyle in the cities of Mainz and Worms

As a contrast to the nature and the wine culture landscape of the RheinTerrassenWeg, I recommend a visit to the cities of Mainz or Worms. The mighty imperial cathedrals and a Variety of museums invite you to marvel and linger.

Mainz Cathedral Square with Cathedral on the RhineTerraceWalk
View of Mainz Cathedral from Domplatz

"Mainz remains Mainz" and scores with its beautiful old town, the quaint wine taverns and of course Johannes Gutenberg. But the absolute highlight remains, of course, the Cathedral of St. Martin with the Cathedral Square.

Jewish cemetery in Worms on the RhineTerracesWeg
The Jewish cemetery in Worms in autumn

In Worms, the SchUM sites, which have just been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, are not to be missed. Especially the "Holy Sand"Europe's oldest Jewish cemetery (in situ) is of unique beauty. You should also not forget the offers on Martin Luther, which just in an anniversary year be celebrated.

Rheinhessen is full of surprises that want to be discovered. Come to the wine region on the Rhine in autumn and experience the colorfulness and warmth of the land and its people on a hike along the RheinTerrassenWeg.

MY TIP : If you do not want to plan yourself, just have a look at our Packages for the RhineTerraceWalk by. There you will find great offers for an all-around successful hiking experience.

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